Daftporn. Talk about having a place where you can watch the weirdest porn, Daftporn.com really doesn't disappoint when it comes to having the most interesting porn in all aspects. Not only can you find the funniest stuff here, but you will also find the most extreme porn here. The site prides itself on being versatile and with so much to offer, you can see why. But is it all that good? Or are there things that could be improved?
Some of the strangest and most bizarre pornography out there.
Well, let's start with the positives. This place packs a lot of heat for a site that looks pretty much like a blog porn site. Updated daily, you can expect to find new content every time you visit Daft Porn. Every time something surfaces here, you can be sure that it will be interesting in one way or another. It may be because it is the next weirdest thing you will see in the porn industry, or there may be another reason behind it. I mean, this is weird: ...... I'll tell you that much.
Honestly, I like a lot of this content. It's wacky, it's crazy, and it really gets me going. And when I say "it's a lot of fun," I really mean it...you should be prepared for the content on Daftporn.com, because it's basically a head-to-head experience. Hey, check out this content and let's take a look at it together. I'm not holding your hand on this site, but it is exactly what I actually think it is.
At first glance, it's hard to tell what category the site is in
The biggest problem with content is the lack of categories at first glance. Sure, you can see that there is a lot of extreme porn here, a lot of domination, abuse, pissing, throat fucking, etc. But there's no way to check out these pieces individually, unless you use the little search bar in the upper left corner of the screen. It's almost embarrassing to look at, but then again, most of this site is about design as well, but more on that later.
The tabs on the right are ads.
You might be tempted to think that the tabs on the right side of the site are category tabs, and that when you click on them, you are taken to a collection of countless videos in that particular category. But they are all just links to other websites. It is basically an advertisement, and since they all appear to be categories, that is the last thing you would expect. But they are ads made to look like they are a functional part of Daftporn.com.
And when it comes to deception, this is not the end of the story. After a few banner ads appear on that side of the screen, you will see a few other links that also look like categories. The only problem is that this page is so inaccessible that it basically takes the worst kind of intuition to accidentally find this page, which contains all the categories. There are so many things that could be done better, but I don't even know where to start.
Before I offer any "constructive criticism," one more minor detail: there are not that many videos on this site. At the time of writing this review, we can expect hundreds of videos, so I don't know if that's enough to justify this horrible design, but it's certainly not enough for me. I know that such radical videos are hard to find, but there must be more than a few hundred. There are some categories in particular where there are only a few dozen, and many categories on Daftporn.com are like that.
The design is, simply put, atrocious to say the least!
Now, then, what about its design? Well, it's utterly and completely bullshit, and it looks like it was created using only HTML and CSS. There's no functionality at all, and they clip over each other like ads at the top of the side over the buttons. It may not be your screen resolution, but that's what it looks like here, and Daftporn.com needs to address these points if it wants to be taken seriously.
And it's not just the functionality of the site; I can assure you that Daftporn.com does not look good. From the blocky buttons to the washed out color scheme, it just doesn't look good at all. There are so many things that could be improved that I don't even know where to start: like making the Galleries appear when you hover over the "More" tab. I don't think even the most extreme porn fan would have a good time here.
So, the only good thing about the website Daftporn.com is the photos and videos of truly sickening pornography, and the amount of it. I guess they must be so out of material on other websites that they have to use this dubious website as a source of extreme pornography; Daftporn.com offers quite a bit of untapped weird porn, but it's not that great.