I want to check out Asian idols on JAV databases like Jav Library. Believe it or not, not all porn sites actually offer pornography directly. There are many different types of porn sites: tube sites, aggregator sites, archive sites, purely informational sites, and porn libraries. Each site, of course, has its own unique features, strengths, and flaws. Which type you ultimately choose depends entirely on your own objectives.
If you just want instant free access to a lot of porn to cum as fast as possible, then tube sites like Porn Hub, Red Tube, and xHamster, for example, are probably your best bet. The downside to these sites, however, is that they rarely have full-length movies, and you'll be fine with short scenes or clips of scenes (especially if you're trying to watch content from top-notch professional studios).
Porn aggregator sites, on the other hand, are more suited to porn enthusiasts who have more time to spare (and who eventually want to turn to cum). Porn aggregator sites do exactly what their title suggests. They collect pornography from a variety of sources. You can easily fall down a rabbit hole where clicking on one video will lead you to another site, clicking on a video from that other site will lead you to another site, and so on. This could go on for hours.
But porn aggregator sites are great for porn addicts looking for variety and for those who want to find new free tube sites. I can't begin to tell you how many great lesser known porn sites I have discovered by clicking on aggregator sites. It's a great way to come across new sites, girls, studios, or kinks. It's a great way to discover.
But there is another type of porn site that is much less of a tube or aggregator, but just as useful for another purpose. Porn libraries and archive sites are perfect for porn addicts on the verge of becoming porn lovers. These are great sites where you can learn everything there is to know about your favorite girls, movies, studios, etc. While the focus of these sites is not necessarily to watch the porn in question, we all need resources to help us gain knowledge about the porn we love. Porn Library does just that (and more).
Understanding Porn Collections
Jav Library, for example, is a porn library website that aims to provide a comprehensive record of all pornography in Japan. Its goal is to make your life as a JAV porn lover easier. It allows you to sort through the millions of Japanese pornographic titles that exist on the web and organize your own collection, while tracking down the ones you like and might be interested in purchasing.
JavLibrary.com also helps porn viewers never forget the name of a video again. If you watch as much porn as I do, you've probably been in the situation where you look at a video thumbnail or movie cover and just can't remember the name. JavLibrary is designed to make sure that doesn't happen to you. Simply add them to your favorites list, and you can easily keep track of the endless pornography that exists.
You never know if a certain movie is worth the time or money it would take to download, stream, or even purchase. But with Jav Library, you don't have that problem, thanks to a very active user base. You are free to read reviews written by porn lovers like yourself, or write your own reviews to help other members of the community. Sharing is caring (except for the herpes stuff, but you can keep that stuff to yourself).
The more I learn about the Jav library, the more useful it seems to be. As mentioned earlier, you can easily save video titles to your own customized lists. With the click of a button, you can add titles to any of the three lists to help you organize your porn collection (and hobby). Each video has its own dedicated page (with plenty of information). Below each title is a button that allows you to quickly and conveniently add it to one of three lists: videos you like, videos you want to watch, or videos you already own. Never before has it been so easy to become a core fan of Japanese adult videos.
Full features, active community
The Jav library also offers a full range of community features. As already mentioned, not only can you comment and review specific titles, but you can also see which users like, own, or are interested in that particular title. From there, you can even contact the user.
Perhaps someone in your city owns a film that you can't find for sale anywhere. The Jav Library is not only a comprehensive information archive of Japanese pornography, but also a huge community of Japanese porn lovers - a Jav lover's paradise.
If you are concerned about not being able to view the videos directly in the Jav Library, don't worry. As already mentioned, there is a comment function. And it is very active. Not only do users discuss their favorite movies (or scenes from movies) in the comments section, but they also make good use of the comments section by linking to a collection of movie screenshots and, in many cases, free sources for streaming or downloading movies. If a film is available on the web, someone will link to it in the comments section of the Jav Library.
Organization is key.
As you would expect from a site like the Jav Library, the level of organization is high. The moment you access the site, you are asked to prove that you are at least 18 years old and to choose between English, Japanese, or Chinese versions, a convenient feature that should not be so unusual for JAV enthusiasts who do not speak Japanese.
After agreeing to the terms and conditions and selecting a language, a thumbnail of the AV cover page immediately appears. In the middle of the top page, the most popular videos are displayed. Below that is a fun, animated explanation of how the site works and all its features. I love this kind of easy-to-understand, easy-to-use site.
To the left of the thumbnails is the navigation menu, which is divided into three main sections. The three sections are "Videos," "Stars," and "Join. The "Videos" section jumps to "New Comments," "New Releases," "New Entries," "Most Wanted," "Best Ratings," "Advanced Search," or "Categories. "Stars provides a comprehensive list of the hottest Jav porn stars, ranked or A - Z directory. The "Join" section displays the best reviews or forums on the site (only further enhancing Jav Library's very active community).
There is no porn on the porn site.
Jav Library does so many things right, but no site is perfect. The site has some definite flaws. For example, I really wish this site offered pornography, and I completely understand that the Jav Library is primarily an archive, community, and review site, but I still want to be able to view porn if I am on a porn site. You may say I am crazy. Sure, it's cool to link to a place where users can stream many titles, but I don't want to have to go to a third party (potentially risky) site to watch porn.
The Jav library is also a total no-no for ads. I understand that they offer a huge archive site and great community features for free, but still. It is not impossible to provide a great service for free without advertising. I am practicing it. I just need a little creativity, and I hope that the Jav library will embrace another revenue stream (or at least calm the ads down a bit).
Finally, while it works well on mobile devices, I really think an app would be better for a site like this. How nice it would be to be able to view or accidentally find porn on your smartphone and be able to archive it right away without having to use a browser. Apps only make sense for user-based libraries and archive sites whose main purpose is to make the lives of porn lovers more convenient.
Overall, I think Jav Library is a successful site. It utilizes great community features, is a great way to document and understand the millions of Japanese porn films available, and is an easy way to learn about new films and how certain films were received by like-minded people. I think it is a wonderful idea.
I want to check out Asian idols on JAV databases like Jav Library. Believe it or not, not all porn sites actually offer pornography directly. There are many different types of porn sites: tube sites, aggregator sites, archive sites, purely informational sites, and porn libraries. Each site, of course, has its own unique features, strengths, and flaws. Which type you ultimately choose depends entirely on your own objectives. If you just want instant free access to a lot of porn to cum as fast as possible, then tube sites like Porn Hub, Red Tube, and xHamster, for example, are probably your best bet. The downside to these sites, however, is that they rarely have full-length movies, and you'll be fine with short scenes or clips of scenes (especially if you're trying to watch content from top-notch professional studios). Porn aggregator sites, on the other hand, are more suited to porn enthusiasts who have more time to spare (and who eventually want to turn to cum). Porn aggregator sites do exactly what their title suggests. They collect pornography from a variety of sources. You can easily fall down a rabbit hole where clicking on one video will lead you to another site, clicking on a video from that other site will lead you to another site, and so on. This could go on for hours. But porn aggregator sites are great for porn addicts looking for variety and for those who want to find new free tube sites. I can't begin to tell you how many great lesser known porn sites I have discovered by clicking on aggregator sites. It's a great way to come across new sites, girls, studios, or kinks. It's a great way to discover. But there is another type of porn site that is much less of a tube or aggregator, but just as useful for another purpose. Porn libraries and archive sites are perfect for porn addicts on the verge of becoming porn lovers. These are great sites where you can learn everything there is to know about your favorite girls, movies, studios, etc. While the focus of these sites is not necessarily to watch the porn in question, we all need resources to help us gain knowledge about the porn we love. Porn Library does just that (and more). Understanding Porn Collections Jav Library, for example, is a porn library website that aims to provide a comprehensive record of all pornography in Japan. Its goal is to make your life as a JAV porn lover easier. It allows you to sort through the millions of Japanese pornographic titles that exist on the web and organize your own collection, while tracking down the ones you like and might be interested in purchasing. JavLibrary.com also helps porn viewers never forget the name of a video again. If you watch as much porn as I do, you've probably been in the situation where you look at a video thumbnail or movie cover and just can't remember the name. JavLibrary is designed to make sure that doesn't happen to you. Simply add them to your favorites list, and you can easily keep track of the endless pornography that exists. You never know if a certain movie is worth the time or money it would take to download, stream, or even purchase. But with Jav Library, you don't have that problem, thanks to a very active user base. You are free to read reviews written by porn lovers like yourself, or write your own reviews to help other members of the community. Sharing is caring (except for the herpes stuff, but you can keep that stuff to yourself). The more I learn about the Jav library, the more useful it seems to be. As mentioned earlier, you can easily save video titles to your own customized lists. With the click of a button, you can add titles to any of the three lists to help you organize your porn collection (and hobby). Each video has its own dedicated page (with plenty of information). Below each title is a button that allows you to quickly and conveniently add it to one of three lists: videos you like, videos you want to watch, or videos you already own. Never before has it been so easy to become a core fan of Japanese adult videos. Full features, active community The Jav library also offers a full range of community features. As already mentioned, not only can you comment and review specific titles, but you can also see which users like, own, or are interested in that particular title. From there, you can even contact the user. Perhaps someone in your city owns a film that you can't find for sale anywhere. The Jav Library is not only a comprehensive information archive of Japanese pornography, but also a huge community of Japanese porn lovers - a Jav lover's paradise. If you are concerned about not being able to view the videos directly in the Jav Library, don't worry. As already mentioned, there is a comment function. And it is very active. Not only do users discuss their favorite movies (or scenes from movies) in the comments section, but they also make good use of the comments section by linking to a collection of movie screenshots and, in many cases, free sources for streaming or downloading movies. If a film is available on the web, someone will link to it in the comments section of the Jav Library. Organization is key. As you would expect from a site like the Jav Library, the level of organization is high. The moment you access the site, you are asked to prove that you are at least 18 years old and to choose between English, Japanese, or Chinese versions, a convenient feature that should not be so unusual for JAV enthusiasts who do not speak Japanese. After agreeing to the terms and conditions and selecting a language, a thumbnail of the AV cover page immediately appears. In the middle of the top page, the most popular videos are displayed. Below that is a fun, animated explanation of how the site works and all its features. I love this kind of easy-to-understand, easy-to-use site. To the left of the thumbnails is the navigation menu, which is divided into three main sections. The three sections are "Videos," "Stars," and "Join. The "Videos" section jumps to "New Comments," "New Releases," "New Entries," "Most Wanted," "Best Ratings," "Advanced Search," or "Categories. "Stars provides a comprehensive list of the hottest Jav porn stars, ranked or A - Z directory. The "Join" section displays the best reviews or forums on the site (only further enhancing Jav Library's very active community). There is no porn on the porn site. Jav Library does so many things right, but no site is perfect. The site has some definite flaws. For example, I really wish this site offered pornography, and I completely understand that the Jav Library is primarily an archive, community, and review site, but I still want to be able to view porn if I am on a porn site. You may say I am crazy. Sure, it's cool to link to a place where users can stream many titles, but I don't want to have to go to a third party (potentially risky) site to watch porn. The Jav library is also a total no-no for ads. I understand that they offer a huge archive site and great community features for free, but still. It is not impossible to provide a great service for free without advertising. I am practicing it. I just need a little creativity, and I hope that the Jav library will embrace another revenue stream (or at least calm the ads down a bit). Finally, while it works well on mobile devices, I really think an app would be better for a site like this. How nice it would be to be able to view or accidentally find porn on your smartphone and be able to archive it right away without having to use a browser. Apps only make sense for user-based libraries and archive sites whose main purpose is to make the lives of porn lovers more convenient. Overall, I think Jav Library is a successful site. It utilizes great community features, is a great way to document and understand the millions of Japanese porn films available, and is an easy way to learn about new films and how certain films were received by like-minded people. I think it is a wonderful idea.
- Community features
- Ads