All you poor fuckers want is for your obedient Japanese wyfs to suck you off and fuck you in their tight cunts whenever they want. I know what you mean, but who cares if it's a pipe dream. I'm not going to interfere with your Asian fantasies. Keep learning Japanese, tell yourself it's to find your favorite high school girl one day, not just to use your skills to understand your favorite tentacled hentai. But maybe you want to feel like this miniature Asian slut is just around the corner. If this is something you often dream about, I've got a treat for you.
Povjp.com is a premium porn site offering the hottest and highest quality Asian POV videos. The site is part of a large network of premium Asian porn sites with the hottest fetish content including crawling, anal and bukkake. This site is the Asian Porn Network. It's a network full of Asian sluts getting fucked everywhere. There are over 20 sites on the web, so if you plan to store around, you'll have your hands full with content. Anyway, this particular porn site has been around since 2013, but I assume the domain has changed ownership because there's not much current data on site traffic.
A monthly subscription costs from $39.99, and a three-day trial is $3.
You'll have to pay to spread the legs of these Japanese prostitutes and see all the good stuff. This is a premium site that offers no free or previews. You can see how many videos there are on this site and check out the previews for each one, which is nice. Many premium sites prefer to hide their catalog and not reveal anything unless you pay a fortune. This site is quite transparent. All in all, you can see that they have about 100 videos. I know it doesn't look like a ton, but most of them are full-length scenes that boldly claim to be in high quality HD.
Membership on the site doesn't come cheap. You can get a three-day trial for $0.99, but if you're not careful, you'll pay almost $50 a month; for a year, that's $155.88. If you don't choose the $39.99 monthly option, you won't be able to pay per month. Needless to say, this is an expensive membership, especially since there are only 100 videos on the site. Fortunately, the membership includes access to more than 20 premium sites online. For the purposes of this review, I won't go into too much detail. Suffice it to say, you get a shit ton of hot content. If you plan on using these other sites, the deal looks a lot better.
Only 100 or so POV videos and DVDs for masturbation
Log into the site with premium credentials and you'll be greeted with a bunch of previews and a background with a couple of Asian cuties showing off their boobs. For a premium site, this is a pretty solid site design. It didn't wow me or anything. But I'd take it for half of the crappy layouts and designs I've seen. The most popular videos have a big preview bar at the top, and the top-rated videos take up the rest of the home page. You can sort your selection by most recent time, file size, and number of views. It's an odd choice of filtering options compared to traditional filters, but at least it offers options to work with.
The header is filled with great options. You can browse a full list of fetish categories such as amateur, hardcore, fisting, teen and other noteworthy tags. You can also browse by model if you want more than just cock jerking in our complete catalog of Ai Uehara videos. Click here to watch Ai Uehara videos. It's no wonder this slut is putting out her best - check out our DVD page to find full movies with your favorite Asian porn stars.
From hot Asian porn stars to amateur productions.
But this section is deceptive. It's like watching a pair of hot twins, both damn sexy but fucking the same slut twice. They have the same body, right down to the freckles on their nipples. The DVD and video tabs on this site have the same content, just presented differently. All of the videos are taken from these DVDs; it feels like Povjp is trying to give the impression that there is more content in its catalog than there really is. Tsk, tsk. I'd rather have unique content in each section than these disguised videos and DVDs.
Regardless of what you're looking for, you're greeted with a long list of video previews. They're pretty sparse in terms of information. They are presented as still images. There are no slideshows. There are no preview clips. It's cheesy as hell. I expect more from premium pages. I want to see some action before I click on them.It shows the title, the length of the video and even the names of the porn stars in the video. That's it. No fetish tags, ratings, or number of views are shown. You can do more on the full video page. You get 10 screenshots next to the video, a brief description of the movie or scene, a "Favorites" option, and the ability to leave an "up" or "down" rating.
Download 720p HD video for free
Unfortunately, the video does not live up to expectations: "HD" on this site means 720p HD. You know, the same quality of video you can find on any free porn site. I was expecting good, titillating scenes in 2-4K UHD where these girls could get off the screen. Instead, we got a rather outdated movie that falls short of modern scenes and cinematography. It's a shame, because it's too bad the movie is so old-fashioned. Other than that, the mobile site is just fine. It's essentially a port of the desktop site with some modifications. As such, it's "moe moe."
Favorite feature of ThePornDude.
That's a tough question. I like most of the content on this site. But if you don't mind 720p HD, there are a few scenes on this site worth looking at. If this were a porn channel, I'd be praising this site to the point of losing my voice. It's a ridiculously free site, which means it's not at all worth the premium rates this site is trying to get from you cunts. The layout of the site is solid. This type of content is a combination of "mo" and "healing."
Suggestions from ThePornDude.
The site needs a directory of real HD content that people are willing to pay to watch. If so, this site is for you. You want good material, not outdated, pixelated content with porn stars in their 40s and 50s. For that price, you expect brand new, high-quality content full of the freshest Asian sluts in the industry.
Final thoughts on ThePornDude
Overall, Povjp.com is a site that's hard to recommend wholeheartedly. It has 100 or so worthy videos of Asian hotties doing the dirty. And who doesn't love a sexy POV video. This site lets you see your dreamy pussy through the eyes of a happy goddess. This site is the best. The only thing is that the quality level of this site does not match the high price it makes you pay. The video catalog is sparse, and the scenes you get are only in 720p. It's pretty cheesy. This site is only recommended to try as part of a membership to a huge network of over 20 fetish sites.